Sources of economic data


The following table provides sources for key economic data. ABS data can be obtained over the internet at The Reserve Bank of Australia information is available at Similarly, OECD information is available at Information on individual economies is also available via the IMF at

International economy


Output, current account balance and interest rates

OECD Main Economic Indicators

Consumer price inflation

ABS Cat. No. 6401.0


National accounts


Components of GDP, contributions to change in GDP

ABS Cat. No. 5206.0


Incomes, costs and prices


Real household income

ABS Cat. Nos. 5204.0 and 5206.0

Wages, labour costs and company income

ABS Cat. Nos. 5204.0, 5206.0 and 6302.0


ABS Cat. Nos. 6401.0 and 5206.0

Labour market

ABS Cat. No. 6202.0


External sector


Australia’s current account, external liabilities and income flows

ABS Cat. Nos. 5368.0, 5302.0 and 5206.0