Treasury Annual Report 2017-18

Publication type


Introduction and guide to the report

The Treasury Annual Report 2017-18 outlines performance against outcomes, program and performance information contained in the Portfolio Budget Statements 2017-18, Portfolio Additional Estimates Statements 2017-18 and Corporate Plan 2017-18. This report includes the reporting requirements and financial accounts for the Australian Government Actuary. The financial accounts for the Foreign Investment Review Board and Takeovers Panel are also included in this report, along with limited performance reporting. More comprehensive performance reporting may be found in their respective annual reports. Part 1 details the Treasury’s role, functions, senior management structure, organisational structure and portfolio structure. Part 2 provides an analysis of performance against the Treasury’s policy outcome and program. Part 3 reports on management and accountability issues as required under the annual report guidelines. Part 4 presents the audited financial statements of the Treasury as required under the annual report guidelines. Part 5 includes other information as required under the annual report guidelines. This report concludes with a glossary, a list of abbreviations and acronyms and an index of the report.

Other sources of information

The Treasury releases information on its activities through publications, press releases, speeches, reports and the annual report. Copies of all the Treasury’s publications are available on its website.

Contact details

The contact officer for enquiries regarding this report is: Division Head Communications and Parliamentary Division The Treasury Langton Crescent Parkes ACT 2600 Email: