Review of the National Housing Finance and Investment Corporation Act 2018 Report

The Treasury
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The National Housing Finance and Investment Corporation (NHFIC) was established in 2018 as a corporate Commonwealth entity mandated to support housing outcomes in Australia. NHFIC performs an important role by making loans, investments and grants to encourage investment in housing, particularly social and affordable housing.

The Statutory Review of the National Housing Finance and Investment Corporation Act 2018 (the NHFIC Review) is required by section 57 of the National Housing Finance and Investment Corporation Act 2018 (the NHFIC Act). The NHFIC Review assessed and made recommendations on whether the NHFIC Act is achieving its objectives and whether any amendments to the NHFIC Act should be considered.

The NHFIC Review finds that the NHFIC Act has been a singularly significant and successful intervention by the Commonwealth, in an area where responsibilities between the Federal Government and other levels of government are not neatly aligned. The NHFIC Review made 25 recommendations, with a key recommendation that NHFIC be given an explicit mandate to ‘crowd in’ other financiers to catalyse the delivery of social and affordable housing on a greater scale. This change would recognise that additional investment from private financiers is crucial to substantially increase the stock of social and affordable housing.